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14 Membership Perks to Offer Your Members to Increase Revenue!

October 11, 2024

A membership is a great way to start making money as a Creator. But how can you increase revenue using membership perks?

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If you’re looking for an easy way to start making money as a Creator, look no further! Starting a membership is something that anyone can do, no matter how many followers they have. It’s also one of the easiest ways to secure a recurring, predictable income each month. 

When your membership is providing value through its perks, you’re going to keep getting more subscribers and those subscribers are going to stick around. Which ultimately means more money for you! 

Today, I’m sharing 14 membership perks that will work for every Creator. Whether you’re a Podcaster, YouTuber, Educator, or Lifestyle Creator, there are membership perks here for everyone. 

So what are you waiting for? Let’s increase your membership revenue. 

As always, if you’d like to watch instead of read, watch the video below.

14 Membership Perks for Creators

If you’re looking for an in-depth tutorial about how you can start a membership, watch this video

Perk #1: Giving Your Members Voting Access

An example of membership voting as a membership perk (from BooksandLala)

Voting access is a great way to let your members feel like they’re involved in your creation process. This can also help boost your views because your members are going to be more excited when content is created that they voted on. 

For example, BooksandLala has a membership where people can vote for the books that she reads and the content she creates. This is a great way to make your community feel even more connected and tight-knit. 

Perk #2: Bonus Videos

Bonus videos are a common membership perk for YouTubers. This is typically a bonus video shared every month or even every week that shows the behind-the-scenes or never-before-seen content. 

The best part about this perk is that the style of the video is totally up to you, or you could have your members choose what video they would like to see. 

Perk #3: Member-Only Live Calls

This is one of the perks that I offer to my Slack Group students from the BSP Model. When a student joins my course, they automatically get enrolled into the Slack Community for a limited amount of time. After that time is up, they have the option to stay in our Slack Group for a monthly payment. 

During these live calls, they have the chance to ask me anything. It’s open Q&A style and I love having this chance to interact directly with my community, hear what their current concerns are, and just keep people engaged in my community. 

The frequency and length of these live calls are totally up to you! 

Perk #4: Content Archives

Content Archives is a great way to add Tier options to your membership. It’s actually what I did when I launched my very first membership. 

All three tiers got access to weekly live training with me, but only the highest tier got access to recorded versions if they couldn’t make the live session. And no matter when they joined the membership, they would get access to the archive of all the past trainings I’d done. 

The next perks (5-7) are specifically for coaches, trainers, or any aspiring creator in an educational niche. 

Perk #5: Bonus Trainings

This is different from the live calls because you could do them live or prerecorded and they’re specifically covering one topic. This is where you’re going to teach your members something that’s going to bring them a specific transformation. 

If this feels like a lot of extra work, you could also invite guests to come speak to your members on a specific topic. 

When it comes to the topics, make sure to let your members choose or vote on the additional things they would like to learn. 

Bonus #6: Video Library

This is my personal favorite membership perk to increase your revenue and it’s probably what I would do today if I was setting up a membership website from scratch. 

Instead of creating bonus weekly content for your followers (which burnt me out pretty fast in my last membership), you do the upfront work of creating a video library filled with videos that your members can filter and watch through at any time. 

It’s kind of like creating your own Netflix for someone to subscribe to. 

Note: This is different than an archive of past live recordings. These are bite-size-specific trainings that each have their own takeaway. They can be short and sweet or full of meat and a little bit longer. 

If you think this is something that you’d like to do with your membership, you’re going to be stoked about our sponsor today: UScreen. 

Download this free expert guide that is going to teach you how you can take your membership from 0 → Launch in just 6 weeks. This is a free roadmap created by UScreen that’s full of resources to help guide you through launching your own membership. 

You can download their free roadmap here

UScreen is the platform for helping you create a monthly revenue stream through a Netflix-style membership platform. They’ve already helped over 4,000 video creators build successful memberships and drive predictable recurring revenue. 

Perk #7: Bonus Resources 

Bonus Resources is a perk that I heard about from Amy Porterfield on her podcast Online Marketing Made Easy. If you want to listen to that episode, it was #671: A Look Inside My Membership Momentum. 

Looking inside her membership, you’ll see that one of the perks she offers to her students every month is a template workbook or resource that can help them along their journey. 

I thought this perk was genius because, over the years, I’ve developed so many templates to help my students and audience grow their platforms, understand the algorithms, plan their content and so much more. Giving your membership members access to these resources can be a valuable way to help them grow. 

Perk #8: Community Chat

This community chat can be hosted in Slack, on Discord, or on your Instagram Channel. This is typically something that most membership platforms already include, so it’s not something you have to seek out but it can be an amazing way to nurture your community and keep people more inclined to stay in your membership. 

I’ve found that the more engaged I am within my Slack Channel the more people interact and the longer people stay a part of our community. 

Personally, I think one of the most important things you can offer your members is a platform where they can create posts and spark conversations. Somewhere that they can ask questions, get advice from the community, and connect with YOU and each other. 

Perk #9: Merch Access

This could be exclusive merch that you only offer to your membership, or it could be merch discounts that allow them to buy merch available to the public at a discounted price. Even if you don’t have physical merch, you could offer discounts on your digital products for members of your community. 

For this, I would recommend discounts of 10-20%. 

Perk #10: News & Industry Updates

This is one of the popular membership perks for Creators who are in social and pop culture niches. You could also offer this perk if you’re in fashion or education niches. 

A way that you could offer this perk would be through email. Each week you would email your members and update them on the latest changes or news. They would never have to wonder or search for themselves because you’ve already sifted through the information and shared it with them. 

Perk #11: Behind-the-scenes content

An example of behind-the-scenes content as a membership perk (from MKBHD)

I categorize this differently from membership perk #2: Bonus Videos because those videos are usually going to be more edited and fine-tuned, on the topic that your members are most interested in. Whereas behind-the-scenes content can feel more raw and uncut. 

The point of offering behind-the-scenes videos and photos is to give your members a chance to see the raw, uncut version of you. You’re giving them an insight into the ‘real’ you. This creates more of a personal connection because the videos can be more like a FaceTime with a friend. 

Perk #12: Member Gifts

Now this is something that you don’t have to offer because sending physical gifts will be an investment on your part. But it is something that I’ve noticed quite a few memberships do. These don’t have to be big gifts, some of the offers I’ve seen are holiday cards, pins, or patches. This can be offered when they sign up or once a year around the holidays. 

Perk #13: Ad-free content

This membership perk is especially for podcasters.

This is a huge perk for anyone who has a podcast. When you have your podcast available for the public with ads, you can create a membership where you offer members those same episodes without any ad interruptions. It’s so much more enjoyable as a listener. 

Perk #14: Holiday Events

Last but not least, the final perk that you can offer your membership to increase your revenue is holiday events. This might be another personal favorite of mine! 

With my Slack students last year, we watched Halloweentown. It was a fun movie night with everyone’s favorite drink. Then in December, we did a holiday movie night where everyone wore ugly Christmas sweaters and brought hot chocolate and we watched Elf together. 

The holidays are my favorite this was a casual way to connect with my audience and it’s definitely something I’ll be doing again.  

Of all these membership perks, which one do you see yourself offering to your audience? 

Before you go, if you want to learn how I Made $12,000 by Launching a Membership as a complete beginner, watch this video next. Thank you so much for being here! I’ll see you next time. 

Follow your joy! 

  1. Hi Millie,
    I live in Ontario Canada. My biz is Liquid Sunshine Mobile Spray Tan & Piercing. I’m using Stan to start selling digital products and used your process with chatgbt. My main platform is YouTube.
    My question Is: HOW DO I KEEP IT ALL STRAIGHT???
    I have tried excel sheets, I’m a Google android person. I know it’s important to use, I really need to see it in my face. I feel I need post it notes on my wall or paint a chalkboard wall to keep track. Do you have a suggestion. I’m trying to be consistant while working 9 to 5 / I do a youtube video (now using vidiq) then I use the vidieo to post on if, facebook, fb group/tiktok/linkedin & blogger. How can I have it visually set up in my apartment for me and my dog Prince.
    Also, I suck at video’s and editing so Jellysmack sounds good to me as learning to edit is not on my priority list. Help Millie

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