If you’ve been wanting to partner with brands on collaborations, then you need to consider putting part of your media kit on your website.
What is a Media Kit?
A Media Kit, or a press kit, is a tool that influencers can share with brands so the brands can get an idea of who they are, what they do, who they do it for and the general demographics of their channel.
There are a few different types of media kits:
- One-page Media Kits
- Multi-page Decks
- Web Page Kits
There are many different reasons and situations you’d want to use each one.
One-Page Media Kits are perfect for when you’re emailing a brand and they ask for your media kit. It’s a quick one-pager PDF file and they get a quick glance at everything they need to see.
Multi-Page Decks give brands more information about who you are and what visions you might have.
Web Page Kits are great for passively grabbing brands’ attention.
Why You Need a Web Page Media Kit
My Media Kit was on my website when I first launched it and I kept it there for a few years. The only reason I didn’t keep the page when I rebranded my website is that I’m not as focused on brand collaborations as I was then.
If I was focusing on brand collabs and had the time that brand collabs require, you bet I’d still have it up there.
Because even if I’m not actively DM’ing or emailing brands, there’s a good chance they’re stumbling upon me when doing their Influencer research. If they stumble upon me or my website, I need something to show them.
They would go to my online Media Kit and get a good idea of the services I offer, my audience’s demographics, other brands I’ve worked with and my contact information.
Today, we are focusing on how to create a Web Page Kit.
How to Create a Web Page Media Kit
When it comes to creating your online media kit, the first step is choosing a platform to design it. If you already have your own website and web builder, then you’re all good. You can move on to the next steps.
If you’re in the market for a web builder, there are plenty of them out there. I used Zyro to create mine and I currently use Showit to build and host my website. But do your research for what works best for you, your goals and your budget.
Also, if you’re a visual learner, everything I’m discussing here can be viewed on my YouTube video right here.
1. Create Your Intro
First, you want to title your web page. That can be something as simple as, “Welcome brands!”
Then, add a quick snippet about who you are, what you do and who you do it for.
You don’t want that “snippet” to be really long. Aim for anywhere between two to five sentences and get straight to the point about your brand and your audience.
Brands don’t need to hear about how much you love coffee or enjoy long walks on the beach. That’s great for your “About” page for your audience. But the brands that visit this page are looking for how you can benefit them.
For example, this is what I put on mine,
“Millie Adrian is an online educator and YouTuber based in Southern California.
With the combined balance of lifestyle and educational content, Millie has become the point-person for aspiring influencers to learn from and a source of empowerment and joy to women who want to grow their business working from home.”
Short. Sweet. To the point.
2. Show Off Your Best Pictures
Capture attention with a picture of you or a collage of pictures.
This can be its own section after your intro, it can be in the same section as your intro, or it can be featured throughout your whole page. How you add these pictures is up to you, but make sure you add them regardless.
Absolutely include pictures you’ve created for brand collaborations. That shows the brands what kind of content you can create for them.
If you don’t have content you’ve created for brands, make some! You don’t have to have worked with brands to have content to show brands.
Go to the store, grab your favorite soda (or any product you love and use) and take pictures with it! Give them an idea of how you create content and how you will show off their product.
Always create your own resume by playing around with brands that you love.
3. Include Stats
The next thing you want to focus on is stats that really highlight you and make you stand out.
This doesn’t have to be your follower count. Because, yes, you can work with brands without a large follower count.
Yes, if you have an impressive amount of followers, include that. But add more than just that.
On your Web Page Kit, you’ll want to include these stats:
- Follower Count
- Include count for each platform you use (YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, etc.)
- Engagement Rate
- Include for both your feed and your stories
- Audience Demographics
- Age, gender, location/country
- Email List Subscribers (optional but recommended)
- If you don’t have an email list, you should create one now
4. Contact Form
This is your CTA (Call-To-Action).
Having a Media Kit on your website would be pointless if the brand wasn’t led to do something about it.
So, at the end of your page, include a place for brands to contact you.
This can be with a form for them to manually input their information with a message directly to you or it can be a short blurb telling them to contact you via your email (and, of course, include your email address).
5. Additional Sections
If you only include what’s mentioned above, your Web Page Kit will be complete and ready for launch. However, if you wish to include some more information, there are a couple of extra sections you can include.
If you wish, you can add a section detailing the services you offer. For example, you can list that you offer YouTube partnerships, Instagram partnerships, giveaways, blog posts, etc.
Whatever you offer, include it.
Lastly, you can add a list of brands you’ve worked with in the past. Include an organized collage of the logos for each brand you’ve worked with. This serves as a “list of references” for any brands looking to partner with you.
Another great idea is to include hyperlinks to anywhere else you want brands to see. If you have pictures from your Instagram, have them link to your Instagram. Link to your YouTube account if you mentioned your YouTube or subscriber count. Take them to your blog if you mention that in there.
Take the brands on a journey of who you are and have them discover more about you to back up everything you’re claiming.
If you do that, they’ll surely be more inclined to contact you to collaborate.
Follow your joy!
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