Why I’m Taking a Break on Instagram… Indefinitely
If you watch my videos on YouTube, you’re likely already aware of my latest announcement:
I’m leaving Instagram
There are a lot of reasons I made this decision, and it’s something I’ve been wanting to do for well over a year now.
I’m sure you have a lot of questions. What about teaching Instagram? What about making YouTube videos and blog posts about Instagram tips? Am I keeping my Instagram course?
With all those questions (and more) in mind, I think you deserve an explanation.
Here’s why I’m leaving Instagram.
Reason #1: My Content No Longer Fits Instagram
I began considering leaving Instagram in October of 2022 because I felt like my content no longer fit the platform.
When I first started growing on Instagram, I only taught Instagram: Instagram tips, how to pose in photos, Instagram growth, how to edit your photos, etc.
My content performed well on Instagram because I was teaching others how to effectively grow on Instagram.
However, I now teach how to grow on YouTube and TikTok as well. I noticed that when I’d talk about YouTube or TikTok, those posts and Reels never performed well.
Now, I’m not saying that I’m leaving Instagram because my content doesn’t perform well anymore. What I’m saying is, I felt like Instagram was punishing me for posting content that fell well within my niche and passions.
So, I decided to stay on Instagram for another year, while primarily posting Instagram-related content… And I just don’t love it.
But Instagram Is Still a Great Platform for Creators!
Let me clarify. It’s not that I think Instagram isn’t a good platform for anybody.
I just don’t think it’s the right place for me and my business at this moment in time.
Earlier this year, my team and I decided to post a TikTok-related Reel to Instagram, and of course, we get this notification from Instagram:
They said my post isn’t going to be pushed out because it includes a watermark from a different app.
And technically, the post did not have the typical TikTok watermark you get when downloading from TikTok and reposting to Instagram. (I use snaptik.app for that.)
What we did was use TikTok’s logo in the beginning of the Reel because logos are a great way to hook your audience to tell them what the video is about. That’s a strategy I use effectively on YouTube and here on my blog.
Since I used the TikTok logo, Instagram restricted my content.
Even with the strategy I wanted to implement, I was punished. I want to be able to teach Content Creators everything! I don’t want limitations on what I can and can’t teach.
I want to teach everything that I know because I believe you all deserve to grow and become full-time Creators wherever you want!
Yes, Instagram still is a great place for Content Creators. I have so many students seeing rapid growth and success where they’re able to leave their full-time corporate jobs. It’s just that my business no longer works with Instagram’s guidelines.
YouTube Is Where My Business Can Flourish
I love that YouTube lets me teach anything and everything. They don’t punish me for talking about Instagram or TikTok.
I have at least one video for each platform that has gone “viral”.
That’s why I want YouTube to be my primary focus at least for all of 2024.
Now, I don’t know how long I’ll be off Instagram. I’ll most likely continue posting to my Stories every once and a while. That’s where I hang out with everyone!
As for TikTok, I’m not sure how this will affect me over there. I’m sure I’ll continue posting on TikTok, I just don’t know how often or what strategy I’ll use.
All I know is that YouTube is going to be my baby.
Reason #2: It Takes Too Much Time Away From My Courses
The next reason I concluded that Instagram isn’t the place for me is that it takes up too much energy and bandwidth from my team and from myself.
Creating Instagram content is a lot of work and lately, it’s distracted us from our Content Creator courses and YouTube channel.
I have a team of about four people (not including me) who help with Instagram: I have one person who helps with content creation and three people who help with engagement and DMs. And Instagram doesn’t add enough value to my business as a whole to continue putting time, resources and money into it.
The time, resources and money would be better used when reprioritized toward making social media courses and high-quality YouTube videos.
My team is extremely talented and I hate seeing their effort going toward a platform that doesn’t positively reward those talents. That’s why their skills can easily be shifted toward courses and YouTube.
On the topic of their talents going to waste, I also think my team using their time to respond to Instagram comments and DMs is a waste of time and talent. I’d prefer my team to put their efforts toward something that fulfills them!
Instagram Is a Great Platform for Sales
All that said, Instagram really is the best place for making sales.
Every time I do a live course launch, Instagram is consistently the number-one lead generator. I love Instagram for that and I’ll probably go back to Instagram for that purpose.
So, Instagram is a great platform for course launches or product announcements. But maintaining a presence year-round is not in alignment with my business’s goals as of now.
Reason #3: How Will I Continue Teaching Instagram?
All this leads to the question you’ve been wondering:
“What does this mean when it comes to teaching Instagram tips?”
I actually think this is the best decision I can make to teach Instagram even better and more effectively than before.
Why’s that?
My Instagram account has over 100,000 followers. The strategies I used in 2020 and 2021 to get to that point are no longer relevant.
I’d rather focus my energy on helping my students, who are at 0 followers, grow to 100,000+ using strategies that are relevant today! Then when we learn what those strategies are, I’ll go over them on YouTube and my blog.
To me, it just feels weird telling people how to grow on Instagram when I did that years ago. I want to stay up-to-date and in the trenches to keep a fresh perspective.
I love being hands-on with my students, trying new things out and studying what actually works today and what no longer works.
Plus, I’ll have time to research on my own. I’ve had the idea of creating a secret, faceless Instagram account and trying to grow that. And if that’s successful, I can make a YouTube video on that. And without maintaining my current Instagram, I’ll have the time to do that and fun experimenting, which is what started my passion for Instagram in the first place.
Reason #4: I Just Don’t Like Instagram
My final reason for leaving Instagram is, as the heading suggests, I just don’t like it.
Well. That’s only sort of true. I see the value it can have and the impact one can make on it, but I’m speaking from my own personal perspective and how Instagram has negatively impacted me. Not a business perspective. And this may not be your case, which is great!
But as for me, Millie, I’ve been on Instagram for many many years. I’ve seen growth, I’ve seen follower loss. And I’ve tried many different niches.
All of this has contributed to the toxic relationship I have now with Instagram.
I can’t look at the logo on my phone without getting anxiety. When I see the logo, my heart starts pounding. And that even goes for my personal, private account I use just for friends and family. I just can’t open the app.
The best way I can put it is it’s like the dishes. Posting to Instagram is like doing the dishes. It’s never-ending. As soon you clean all the dishes, more pileup and there’s more to do. Every hour there’s a new dish in the sink.
It’s the same with Instagram. As soon as you post, you need to leave a comment. When someone else leaves a comment, you have to respond and so on. And just when you’re caught up on comments and engagement, it’s time to post again. Once all the scheduled posts go out, it’s time to make more content. And the cycle continues.
Not to mention the posting, engagement and strategies for Stories, Reels and Lives.
As of right now. I cannot.
Preventing Burnout
If I continue with Instagram the way that I am, I will burn out. And I don’t mean burnt out from Instagram. I also mean burnt out from YouTube, the blog, TikTok, my courses, etc.
So I’m just deciding to cut Instagram out from my workflow.
For how long?
I don’t know.
There’s a possibility I’ll post from time to time when I feel inspired. But I don’t have plans to or when that’ll be.
I’m simply doing this for my sanity and to prevent myself from burning out.
The Future With You
And none of this is sad. This isn’t a bad thing.
I truly can’t wait to give my full attention to YouTube.
I have so many ideas that I just haven’t been able to do because I haven’t had the bandwidth. My videos on YouTube will evolve, so be on the lookout for that.
And lastly, I just want to thank all of you for being with me on this journey. I started my social media career as “The Instagram Girl,” and I’m ready to no longer be just that.
I don’t want to be known as “The Instagram Girl.” Yes, I want to give so much more value than one platform. I want to help people pursue their dreams of being a Content Creator, gain financial freedom and create a lifestyle they have control over.
It’s more than Instagram. It’s more than just YouTube. More than TikTok. It’s helping all of you see the results you want to see.
And helping you follow your joy.
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