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Easy Hack for Creating the Perfect Instagram Theme 

July 12, 2020

How to create YOUR OWN drool-worthy Instagram aesthetic

It can be so hard to create a theme you want on Instagram and to keep it going consistently. I for one am guilty of switching my filters as often as I change my outfits. I know what its like to end up changing your mind on what look you want for your feed.

Well, you don’t have to worry about that anymore!

I discovered an extremely easy hack which will help you find the perfect way to edit your photos in a way that suits your style, so you are a lot more likely to keep to it.

It’s so simple and easy, and you’ll be wondering why you’ve never done it before!

This hack is perfect for absolutely anyone, whether you’re a savvy Instagram user, or have only just jumped on the social media bandwagon! It’ll change your Instagram game, and all your followers will be getting major theme envy!

Step #1: Upload 12 photos to VSCO

VSCO is a brilliant photo editing app, and it is one of only two apps that will be needed for this strategy. If you haven’t already got it, then you can download it from the app store completely free!

This hack can be done using either the free version of VSCO, or the upgraded version, but no need to worry! I have you all covered and will be telling you how to edit using both versions.

The first thing to do once you’re in the app, is you need to pick 12 un-edited photos that you think best represent YOU and your style. They can be travel, fashion, flat-lays, or even just silly photos! The reason to upload 12 is that the layout on the VSCO app should give you an idea of what your feed WOULD look like when they’re on Instagram.

Step #2: Search ‘VSCO themes’ in Pinterest

Next, you need to open up Pinterest and search for ‘VSCO themes.’ If you are planning on using the free version of VSCO, make sure you search for ‘free VSCO themes’ to ensure that only the free presets that will be available to you will show up.

This search will show you a variety of edits available on the app, and how you can edit your photos that exact way so you can make a consistent theme throughout your feed.

#3 Narrow down your search

You can make your search on Pinterest even more specific to you so you can find the perfect aesthetic for your photos!

I’m a vintage kinda gal, I always search for ‘VSCO themes vintage’ so I can find the perfect presets to suit my style. You can do the same but alter it to suit your favorite theme. For example, you could search for blue focus, or rose gold themes.

#4 Edit your photo on VSCO

Now for the fun bit! Your search on Pinterest should have shown you exactly how to edit your photos on VSCO to create the aesthetic you want. As shown in the photos above, it should break down what filter, exposure, grain etc to use and at what number. So, all you have to do is set each of the different edits to match the Pinterest instructions, and you should create the perfect aesthetic for your photo.

#5 Save and copy the edit

Once you’ve finished editing the first photo, make sure you save it. Then, click the three dots in the bottom right hand corner of VSCO, and press ‘copy’. Then, select the other 11 photos you uploaded at the start, press the three dots again and click ‘paste’. This should apply the edit to all of the photos.

You should then be able to get an idea of how the theme should look if you were to upload the photos to your Instagram.

#6 Make any changes you want

Remember, you don’t have to stick rigidly to the instructions given to you by the Pinterest posts. You can always make tweaks to the edits to customize the aesthetic so that the theme suits your preference perfectly.

For example, when having a look at the overall edit with the photos laid out on VSCO, you might decide you want to bring down the blue tones if they are standing out too much. This is something you can do on the premium version, using the ‘HSL’ tool when editing.

When you make the changes you want, you just simply need to copy and paste the edit to all the photos again, just like you did previously.

#7 Save the preset for future use

When you create the preset you love, you can actually save the edit you’ve created as a personal preset on the app so you can use it for photos in the future!

To do this, all you need to do is click on one of your photos (as if you’re about to edit it again), and there should be a little rotating arrow. Click on this, and then click the plus sign on the left. This will add the edit as a preset, so it is stored for you to use again.


So, there you have it! The best and easiest hack for creating an Instagram theme just for you! You can play around with the filters and edits so that the aesthetic is completely personal to you, and you can have a unique feed that no one else has! You’ll be the Theme Queen in no time!

Follow your joy,

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