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How to Find Your Niche on Instagram

July 20, 2022

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How can you find your niche when you’re multi-passionate? How do decide when you just want to talk about everything?

In this post, I’m going to teach you how to niche down so you can niche out!

It’s Okay to Start Without a Niche

As you may know, it is important to pick a niche when it comes to growing on social media. However, there might be a time when it’s okay to NOT pick a niche.

And that is if you’re a multi-passionate person who feels stunted when it comes to picking a niche and the idea of picking a niche is an overwhelming task.

I understand how hard, and for some people, scary it can be picking a niche. For me, it took a year and a half to finally “find my niche.” Even now, I feel like it is ever-evolving.

So for anyone who needs to hear this… there is no “right or wrong decision” here. It’s okay to feel completely lost.

What you don’t want to do is stress about making the “wrong choice” when picking a niche and then end up not picking anything.

None of this is a reason to never find your niche. It’s hard to become a full-time Content Creator without one. Just don’t put too much pressure on yourself when you’re starting out.

With that cleared up, let’s get you in the direction of finding your niche by first covering what a “niche” is in the first place.

What is a Niche?

Niche is defined as “a specialized segment of the market for a particular kind of product or service.”

I think everyone is really good at dissecting the first part of that definition: “a specialized segment of the market.”

That’s where we get people saying they’re in the fitness, beauty, fashion, travel, and education niches.

However, when it comes to social media, it’s not enough to say your niche is “fitness.” You need to get even more specific and focus on a more fixed area of that market.

Let’s show a few examples of okay vs. great niches.

Okay: Fitness

Great: Fitness from home for busy moms

Okay: Travel

Great: Budget-friendly international travel

Okay: Fashion

Great: Eco-friendly 70’s fashion

Do you see the pattern here? Each “great” niche is honed in on a specific section of your market. Now that’s a niche!

Hot Take: “Lifestyle” is Not a Niche

Yes, you heard me. Lifestyle is not a niche. It is a way of life.

If you’ve been saying your niche is lifestyle, now is the time to change that. Social media is now too saturated and makes it almost impossible for you to grow with such a broad title.

When you say you’re a “lifestyle blogger” you’re actually at a disadvantage because you’re talking about EVERYTHING: fashion, beauty, home decor, coffee, your family, etc.

Have you heard the saying, “If you’re talking to everyone, you’re talking to no one?” Well, that’s essentially what you’re doing. You’re talking to too many areas and nobody is connecting with you.

Let me just share with you my story because I’m a prime example of making this exact mistake.

My Transition From Lifestyle to Coach

For the longest time, I said my niche was “lifestyle”. I would binge dozens of YouTube videos that told me I needed to pick a niche, and I would roll my eyes because “I already had a niche.”

Boy was I wrong.

Let’s take a look at my account during my lifestyle phase.

When someone landed on my profile it wasn’t clear what I was doing. Why should they follow me if I didn’t even know what journey I was going to take them on?

Being a multi-passionate person, it was hard for me to find my niche, but I eventually did. Because of that, I was able to grow. Now that I’m growing, I’m able to niche out and start talking about other lifestyle topics I love!

How Do You Find Your Niche?

The moment we’ve all been waiting for! What’s the magic answer to finding your niche!?

I’ll do you one better. I’ll give you 4 ways that you can find your niche.

1. Try it All!

If you don’t know your niche, test posting about all your passions.

Try posting one week where you only do fashion advice, then post solely about makeup advice the next week, then another week do organization tips, then food.

Find those multiple areas in your life that you’re passionate about and choose one to focus on for a week and so on.

You’ll discover that posting and writing about one topic comes more naturally than others and follow that flow!

You’ll eventually find your footing.

2. Write to Your Target Audience

Write to your target audience about what you want to be known for.

What’s great about Instagram and social media, is you get to choose what you want to be known for.

Even if you don’t know your niche, you might have an idea of who you want to reach.

When I was finding my niche, I had no idea what it was going to be. All I knew was that I wanted to have a following of women around my age and inspire them. So, I started with that, trying to write inspiring captions and encourage women!

3. Make a List of Everything You Want to Talk About

These lists are often referred to as “brand pillars.”

Like if you had a website, what would all the tabs or categories be on that website?

Now under each category, start writing post ideas.

If you wrote fashion, under fashion you would write 5 ways to style a blazer, what to wear to a job interview, and so on.

You’ll find that some areas are easier for you to think of content ideas for than others. The ones that come more naturally are the areas you should niche down on!

4. Combine Your Passion With Your Zone of Genius

Make a list of everything you’re passionate about, then on another list, ask some people who are close to you, “If you had to come to me for advice on anything, what would you come to me for advice on?” or “What are some things I’m really good at?”

Oftentimes, the thing that comes the most naturally to you is something you wouldn’t be able to think of on your own! You need that extra perspective to bring it to your attention.

That’s actually how I discovered mine.

I started off writing a list of everything I was passionate about, regardless of if it related to business. I just started with what I love, whether it was coffee (because I love coffee) or true crime.

Then, on a drive home with my boyfriend (now, husband!), I asked him, “if you could come to me for advice on anything, what would it be?”

I really was struggling to come up with things I was good at. I didn’t feel like I was good at anything at the time.

After talking about it for a bit, it came down to him saying I was really good at Instagram and organization. Those were two things I completely overlooked.

I had thought everyone knew how to organize their business. Those were things that came naturally to me, not to everybody.

Having my husband’s perspective really helped me figure out what I was good at and what people may need advice on.

Now, you may not be married or in a serious relationship, but that’s okay. Ask anybody who’s close to you.

And use the 3 other steps and you’ll surely get closer to finding your niche.

Follow your joy!

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